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عارف   |   دوشنبه,20 شهریور 1402

موارد اول که گفتین رو اجرا نکردم، اما برنامه تست هارد دیسک رو اجرا کردم و نتیجه این بود:

هیچ راه دیگه‌ای جز تعویض هارد دیسک وجود نداره؟

و اینکه اگر هارد دیسک رو عوض کنم همه اطلاعات پاک میشه درسته؟

متن خطا:

Failure Predicted - Attribute: 5 Reallocated Sectors Count, Count of sectors moved to the spare area. Indicate problem with the disk surface or the read/write heads.

There are 3980 bad sectors on the disk surface. The contents of these sectors were moved to the spare area.

The drive found 55 bad sectors during its self test.

There are 55 weak sectors found on the disk surface. They may be remapped any time in the later use of the disk.

More information:

4749 errors occurred during data transfer.

In case of sudden system crash, reboot, blue-screen-of-death, inaccessible file(s)/folder(s), it is recommended to verify data and power cables, connections - and if possible try different cables to prevent further problems.

More information:

Replace hard disk immediately.

It is recommended to backup immediately to prevent data loss.

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